The light of guidance that is Islam is so strong, so bright that one thinks it can only be applied in absolute terms. One can be blinded to its nuance, its varying possibilities, applications and paths. Its core is light. But light comes in beams and strands, it bends and straightens and curves. It’s centre is one, yet its reception are many blended streams. It is not that there are many equal truths, that there are many paths. No. There is still a difference between genuineness and falsehood, there are still rights and wrongs, and there is still the real Islam and claimant Islam. The path to heaven is straight and long and although well lit, we may not always place our feet exactly where the Prophet (sall Allahu alayhi wa sallam) trod. It does not mean we are going the wrong way, it is just that Allah guided me uniquely from the way He ta’ala uniquely guided you. Lower the wing of gentleness.
Treading on Light
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