‘Mindrips’ is meant to be read two ways if we are not too pedantic: one way denotes my thoughts and flashes of inspiration, namely mind-rips, things ripped from my mind. The other way denotes the less than prolific production of my posts, they come along in drips rather than floods because I am both unfocused and find it hard to see things through to their end.
I consider myself to be a writer. I consider writing to be expressive of something essentially me, even if the words are not representative of my thoughts and feelings all the time; there are provocations, mistakes, poor expression, changes of mind. Even so I am sensitive to both having an audience and then having that audience appreciate my works. I do encourage feedback and suggestions, whether on content, style or a particular subject you might want a view on, my view on. Let me know in the comments under the posts.
I hope you enjoy and benefit in some small way from my meagre contribution to the world-wide-web of things!